

Celebration of 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg

Celebration of 15th anniversary of EGEA


14.10 Russian version proposal

25.09 Our


to Natalya Krivenok, she was elected representative person of Eastern Region of EGEA


24.09 Proposal for the exchange with EGEA-Utrecht


Jubilee Celebrations in St. Petersburg Scheduled

for May 24 - June 1 2003

Saturday, May 24. With a slogan 'Grateful Descendant, celebrations start in Staraya Ladoga, the pioneer capital of Russia. All the cities ever been Russians capitals - Veliky Novgorod, Moscow, Kiev, and Vladimir - will congratulate St. Petersburg. Ceremonial worships and church services will be held. By the tradition of the 100th and 200th Anniversary of St. Petersburg celebrations there will be civil placing of wreaths at the monuments and memorials in the St. Petersburg's memorable places, such as the Bronze Horseman, Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery and Serafimovskoye Cemetery, Victory Stella, Literatorskiye Footbridge, monument to Alexander Nevsky, Nienshanz and Oreshek Fortresses, Ust-Izhora town). All the people who built and defended our city and who worked for its welfare will be commemorated.

Sunday, May 25. All the Streets Meet Festival!
Ceremonial opening of new facilities: entertainment centers, pedestrian areas. Festive actions will embrace embankments, squares, and waterways of the city; orchestras will play music in the city's park and gardens. Students of military colleges will march in the streets. Everyone will feel himself/herself in the center of events.

Monday, May 26. Festival of science, education, production, and modern technologies. St. Petersburg is an intellectual center of Russia that gave a large number of scientists to the world. International, All-Russian, and city conferences, forums, congresses, workshops, award ceremonies for scientists, and advanced technologies demonstrations will be held.

Tuesday, May 27. City's Birthday.
The city's foundation day will start with the Peter and Paul Fortress firing a shot. Flowers will be laid to the Bronze Horseman. Parade of Russian and foreign historical ships, boat races and regattas on the Neva, at Pribaltiyskaya hotel, and in Kronshtadt will start. Military orchestras music will accompany military schools cadets. Worships in the cathedrals of different confessions. Concerts on the city's theater stages and stadiums will conclude by night with festive fire-works in all of the districts of the city on Neva.

Wednesday, May 28. Sports and Health Day.
St. Petersburg is a city of Olympians! Festive actions dedicated to sport achievements, celebration and rewarding of St. Petersburg Olympic champions and sport community will be held in our city, the city of people strong in body and spirit. Mass sporting festivals and international competitions, football matches and chess tournaments, various sports competitions, aqua bike, relay races.

Thursday, May 29. Theater Festival.
At day time, all the St. Petersburg theaters will participate in theater outdoor fetes, street performances, and puppet shows; perform fresh plays for children and adults and live pictures in the streets and pedestrian zones. At night, jubilee premiers and plays will be performed; and Golden Mask contest-final will be held. Artistic intelligentsia will be rewarded with various awards.

Friday, May 30. Peter the Great Birthday. The beginning of the session of jubilee exhibitions in the Golden Triangle 'Anichkov Palace - Michailovsky Manage - Shuvalovsky Palace', in all the exhibition halls, museums, and galleries: Lenexpo, the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, Artillery Museum, Peter and Paul Fortress, Museum of Railway Transport. Most of exhibitions and museums will allow free of charge public attendance.

Saturday, May 31. International Festival 'All Flags Come to Visit Us':.
International water event in the Big Neva waters. Opening of Amber Chamber. World stars concert in Tsarskoye Selo. Jubilee Petersburg carnival, dance show in Kronshtadt, rock show for the youth, children show 'Smiles of Northern Palmyra, assemblies, festivals, and many other events.

Sunday, June 1. International Day of Children's Protection.
International children carnival on Vasilievsky Island, air show, Millitary-Sporting festival on S. M. Kirova stadium. Children and youth artistic teams' performances, contests, competitions, and relay races. These jubilee days, everyone will participate in festive events, everyone will be addressed with congratulations from the President and the Russian Federation Government, from the St. Petersburg Administration and administrations of other countries and regions. During the whole 2003 year, countries of Europe and of all of the world, cities and regions of Russia will participate in the jubilee events emphasizing that St. Petersburg is the national patrimony and the whole world's heritage
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